

February 9th, 2025

As we strive to be WE, a group of individuals with different gifts serving the same God, one thing is certain: this requires Spiritual health. In order to more fully love and serve others, we have to fully accept ourselves as being loved and cherished by God.
Join us as we discover what it means to be Spiritually healthy and invite Jesus into our lives in a deeper and richer way!



January 19th, 2025

Following Jesus is not possible on our own, but is an act of WE. Everyone means EVERYONE, not because it sounds good, but because the Church needs everyone.
WE join God in His mission.

  • WE are a body that moves and grows together.

  • WE need all gifts and all people, moving together to discern what God has in store for Heartlands in this next year.

  • Let’s (WE) love God, ourselves, our neighbors, and be Jesus TOGETHER.

Who WE are as a congregation, striving to follow Jesus is not made up of me, or of us and them, but as WE.


December 8th, 2024

When we look closely at Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection, we see a savior who turns our society, power structures, and entire world on its head. Though the humble birth of Jesus feels strange to us, it is the most powerful way to save the world. Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Heartlands Church this December!


September 15th, 2024

Every church, family, and person has a particular skill set, different context, and unique way in which they can live out and share the gospel of Jesus. As we are in a state of transition at Heartlands church, we have been revisiting this exact concept of examining our DNA. Who is God and how does that change our lives? What is The Church and how does Jesus instruct us to live out his commission to "make disciples of all nations"? And how has the Holy Spirit led us to this moment in time, and where is the Spirit leading us to for our future? Join us this fall as we explore and discover our DNA as followers of Jesus!


July 7th, 2024

In today's society, there are so many things vying for our attention. The same is true for The Church. This begs the question, what should our focus be as followers of Jesus? Join us as we look at Paul's letter to the Galatians and learn how we can "Refocus" on the gospel of Jesus, and how we should respond as his followers!


February 4th, 2024

Jesus invites EVERYONE to be his follower and disciple. But how should our discipleship under Jesus affect our lives? Before Jesus ascends into heaven, he tells his disciples to "go and make disciples." Jesus calls to be both rooted in him, and released to do what he did. Join us as we go through the gospel of Mark and discover how we can love, equip, disciple, and create community the way that Jesus did.


December 3rd, 2023

Jesus is given many different "names" throughout scripture. Each one has special significance that points us to who Jesus is, what he came to do during his life on earth, and how he extends an invitation to us to walk with him through our lives!


September 24th, 2023

Jesus taught in many different ways. One of the ways he often taught was through telling parables - stories from everyday life that point us toward the kingdom of heaven. Sometimes in front of large crowds, other times just in the presence of his closest followers, Jesus told stories about agriculture, a shepherd, the relationship between a father and his son, and many more that displayed who God is and what it means to be a part of His kingdom. Join us as we explore the parables of Jesus and discover what the kingdom of heaven is like!


August 6th, 2023

The Book of Psalms is an extraordinary collection of ancient poems and songs that Israel and the Jewish people used to worship God together. As you flip through various Psalms, you'll quickly notice that while they all focus on praise and thanksgiving toward God, many of them contain tough questions, and raw emotions that we can all relate to. Join us as we finish the summer in the Book of Psalms and discover how we can worship, express and process our emotions, and honor God in any season of our lives!



April 16th, 2023

God designed us to live and thrive in community. But what does that look like? As we all know, being a part of a community is not always easy. Throughout the New Testament, the words “One Another” are used nearly 100 times. Why is this? The authors of the Bible wanted to make this concept incredibly clear: the body of Christ is designed to function in community with one another. Throughout this series, we’re tackling “Family Matters.” Join us as we explore how we are to encourage, forgive, teach, and love one another.


January 8th, 2023

Could you use a little more power in your life? Do you know what it means to be tired and know what it is to be overwhelmed
with expectations? If so, you will love and cherish this invitation to know, nurture and grow a relationship with the Holy Spirit! Who
exactly is the Holy Spirit? Is it a “Who” or is it an It? Starting Sunday, January 8th, we will begin a journey to discover the possibility of
a vigorous intimate walk with Jesus through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss it! Help is on the way.


December 4th, 2022

Christmas is the greatest story of Hope for ALL People at ALL Times in ALL places and in ALL situations. It is not only hopeful that He came but WHO he came for! In this series “Hope For the Holidays” we will be encouraged to see the intentional grace for those who are forgotten, the outcast and the stranger. Christmas is more than a superficial time of superficial joy. Come and See Jesus give you authentic “Hope For the Holidays!” We begin Sunday December 4th.


September 11th, 2022

“How can the message of Jesus have relevance for me in the complexities of our culture? This is the question we will answer in the series “Rooted and Released.” The book of Colossians was written to a church that struggled to follow Jesus in a culture full of complexities. Join us as we explore how we can be “Rooted” in Jesus and “Released” to do what He did!


July 31, 2022

Let’s face it, so many things in our world right now are shaky: the economy, the division and anger of our nation, and even the state of our football team... shaky at best.
It is possible that you, right now, are in a place of uncertainty, a place where things are shaky at best. There is amazing hope for the “shaky.” There is a place of certainty in the confusion.
As we approach the fall season we want to stand in a different place. The Unshakeable Hope, Clarity in Confusion, Absolute Certain, Sure thing, Slam Dunk, SOLID PRESENCE AND PROMISES OF GOD!! Join us and stand on the solid ground together!


June 12, 2022

We will look at the seven “I Am” statements in the book of John, where he draws a portrait of Christ. We will get to know who Jesus really is, not just things about him, but get to know him intimately!


April 24, 2022

It is good to learn things about Jesus. It is better to do the things Jesus did!! Jesus is clear that THE thing that is most important, the clearest picture of what it means to follow him and the very character of God is to LOVE!

Join us as we begin a series called, "Love is." We will simply share what it looks like to Love like Jesus. These lessons will be so practical you may be inspired to actually love people more!!


April 3, 2022

My dream is gone, my career is nothing like I imagined. My family is a mess and my future is not as bright as I thought it would be. I have failed in important things and I'm not sure I can make it right? These are common thoughts these day and we face this question, "Is it over?" We begin a series Sunday April 3rd called, "It's Not Over!" We will find so many people who had every reason to believe it was OVER! We will discover that God had other plans, other directions that shout, "It's Not Over!!" It is not over for you! There is something new and full of life right around the corner. Join us and bring a friend. Remember, "It's Not Over!"


February 20, 2022

"How are you feeling today??" That is a question we hear almost every day. Most of us grew up believing, or maybe we currently believe, there are Wrong feelings and there are Right feelings. Feelings are not Right or Wrong, they are simply a gauge pointing us to something!

In this series we will look at the feelings expressed in the Psalms. Raw, true, vulnerable feelings expressed to God. REAL! Every feeling points us to a path that chooses a direction.